
We’re on to the third leg of three straight races at 1.5-mile tracks, and the first two have produced some surprise winners: Cole Custer at Kentucky and then Austin Dillon at Texas. Will we see the same thing on Thursday night at Kansas? We’ll find out soon enough.

Just like last week, I’ll be providing statistics specific to performance on 1.5-mile tracks. We have now had seven races at 1.5-mile tracks during the 2020 season:

  1. Las Vegas (February 23)
  2. Charlotte (May 24)
  3. Charlotte-2 (May 28)
  4. Atlanta (June 7)
  5. Homestead (June 14)
  6. Kentucky (July 12)
  7. Texas (July 19)

Below you will find a chart that shows various averages for each driver over these six races, including average finish, average DraftKings points scored, average DraftKings dominator points, average starting position, average fastest laps, and average laps led.

After that you will find a very similar chart, but that one only shows the averages for the following races: Las Vegas, the two Charlotte events, Kentucky, and Texas. This chart is shown because Atlanta and Homestead are significantly different than the other tracks in this data sample, as they are “high wear” with major tire fall off. Plus Homestead isn’t shaped like a normal 1.5-mile track. Don’t be surprised is Kansas plays out very similarly to how we saw the Kentucky and Texas races end up.

***NOTE: These averages were done using the DraftKngs finishing order from the first Charlotte race before Johnson was disqualified, so he was credited with his 2nd-place finish***


You can sort each table column by clicking on the header.
Each table is, by default, sorted by average finish.

The Top Drivers on All 1.5-Mile Tracks This Season

DriverAvg. FinishAvg. DraftKings PtsAvg. DK Dominator PtsAvg. StartAvg. Fastest LapsAvg. Laps Led
Ryan Blaney05.4369.1124.2511.7129.8637.29
Brad Keselowski07.4345.9308.0708.2910.7110.86
Austin Dillon08.4345.0402.3215.1403.0003.29
Kevin Harvick08.5759.1822.6109.2919.7151.00
Tyler Reddick10.4348.1405.1419.8609.7101.14
Kurt Busch10.5738.8207.3908.5710.8607.86
Chase Elliott10.7150.1119.3907.7125.2927.00
Joey Logano10.8639.3911.5405.1410.1425.86
Martin Truex Jr11.7149.9620.6808.7125.2932.14
Kyle Busch11.7131.9605.3906.0008.7104.14
Jimmie Johnson12.1441.7904.3617.7108.2900.86
Denny Hamlin12.4341.7911.3610.8612.1421.14
Matt DiBenedetto13.4336.7902.3617.2903.4302.57
Aric Almirola13.8641.8212.9612.5714.2923.29
Christopher Bell16.8636.5000.6425.5701.2900.00
Clint Bowyer17.7130.2104.9316.7105.7108.29
Cole Custer18.7132.0401.0424.0001.7100.71
Chris Buescher18.7123.7101.7115.4303.4300.00
Ricky Stenhouse Jr18.8627.8202.2519.2902.2904.43
Erik Jones19.7125.4605.4615.4310.4301.00
Ryan Newman19.8323.8300.5019.0001.0000.00
Alex Bowman20.4327.8216.2508.4317.1430.71
William Byron20.7121.8204.5414.7108.0002.14
John H. Nemechek22.0021.6100.8920.7101.7100.14
Matt Kenseth22.1719.9202.2518.0004.5000.00
Bubba Wallace22.4322.2900.2922.8600.5700.00
Michael McDowell22.5726.2500.5426.8601.0000.14
Corey Lajoie22.7126.2900.4327.2900.8600.00
Ty Dillon24.4322.1400.1426.8600.2900.00
Daniel Suarez28.2923.0700.2135.4300.4300.00
Ryan Preece30.2911.0400.4627.1400.8600.14
Brennan Poole31.1413.7900.3631.7100.7100.00
Quin Houff33.4308.2100.0731.0000.1400.00

The Top Drivers on Low Wear 1.5-Mile Tracks This Season

DriverAvg. FinishAvg. DraftKings PtsAvg. DK Dominator PtsAvg. StartAvg. Fastest LapsAvg. Laps Led
Ryan Blaney06.2069.9525.5512.8032.2037.80
Brad Keselowski06.6049.6008.4009.8009.8014.00
Kevin Harvick06.6060.4019.8009.8019.0041.20
Joey Logano07.8046.6011.4006.2008.4028.80
Austin Dillon08.2045.4502.4514.8002.6004.60
Kurt Busch10.2040.1008.9007.6012.4010.80
Tyler Reddick10.6043.1502.1518.2003.8001.00
Matt DiBenedetto11.0039.9002.5015.4003.2003.60
Jimmie Johnson12.4044.9005.7020.0010.8001.20
Chase Elliott13.0048.9020.7009.6027.8027.20
Martin Truex Jr13.4046.2020.2008.8024.4032.00
Kyle Busch14.8025.1003.9006.8005.8004.00
Aric Almirola15.0043.4516.4513.0016.6032.60
Denny Hamlin16.2029.6505.0513.0009.0002.20
Chris Buescher17.2027.9001.9016.4003.8000.00
Erik Jones17.8027.6503.4515.8006.2001.40
Cole Custer18.0030.2501.2520.4002.0001.00
Christopher Bell18.4030.9000.5023.2001.0000.00
Clint Bowyer18.6027.8001.0020.0002.0000.00
Ryan Newman18.7527.7500.5020.7501.0000.00
Ricky Stenhouse Jr19.8025.8502.6518.8002.2006.20
William Byron20.6021.2506.2512.2011.0003.00
Corey Lajoie20.6031.3000.5028.0001.0000.00
John H. Nemechek22.4022.2501.2521.8002.4000.20
Alex Bowman22.6029.4522.0508.6022.6043.00
Ty Dillon22.8024.2000.2025.6000.4000.00
Matt Kenseth23.2516.6301.8817.2503.7500.00
Michael McDowell23.8021.0500.2524.4000.4000.20
Bubba Wallace24.6019.1000.3024.0000.6000.00
Daniel Suarez27.2024.6000.2034.8000.4000.00
Brennan Poole31.2014.3000.5032.2001.0000.00
Ryan Preece32.4004.8500.0525.6000.0000.20
Quin Houff33.8006.7000.1030.2000.2000.00

The Fastest Cars (Green Flag Speed) on All 1.5-Mile Tracks This Season

Current Driver
Season Avg Ranking
02-Las Vegas
#12 FordBlaney3.61157371
#9 ChevyElliott6.1131065234
#4 FordHarvick8.0713925155
#22 FordLogano9.6942610693
#19 ToyotaTruex10.43021411718
#1 ChevyKurt Busch10.611619881111
#2 FordKeselowski10.617715941210
#88 ChevyBowman11.416917121826
#10 FordAlmirola11.953716251413
#21 FordDiBenedetto11.9158213141912
#24 ChevyByron11.920181028142
#18 ToyotaKyle Busch12.681911323816
#20 ToyotaJones13.3121781413623
#48 ChevyJohnson13.631524111257
#3 ChevyA. Dillon14.419141221111014
#11 ToyotaHamlin15.3132036103520
#14 FordBowyer15.3611164213118
#8 ChevyReddick15.31816417201319
#17 FordBuescher17.02152025241617
#47 ChevyStenhouse17.7329231592322
#42 ChevyKenseth18.7232127197259
#41 FordCuster20.04122523262228
#95 ToyotaBell20.622221318191733
#6 FordNewman21.321252820221815
#37 ChevyPreece22.310272224282421
#34 FordMcDowell22.62524126292627
#38 FordNemechek23.126262127152126
#43 ChevyWallace24.624281822272924
#32 FordLaJoie27.327313029162830
#13 ChevyT. Dillon27.729232930312725
#96 ToyotaSuarez30.128303232303029
#15 ChevyPoole32.932323331383232
#77 ChevySorenson33.133343737352036
#00 ChevyHouff35.035373436333634
#53 FordSmithley36.2393535353835
#51 FordGase38.038363839393937
#66 ToyotaHill38.040383640344038

The Fastest Cars (Green Flag Speed) on Low Wear 1.5-Mile Tracks This Season

Current Driver
Season Avg Ranking
02-Las Vegas
#12 FordBlaney2.611371
#22 FordLogano6.294693
#9 ChevyElliott6.41310234
#4 FordHarvick9.07135155
#24 ChevyByron9.02018142
#1 ChevyKurt Busch9.411681111
#2 FordKeselowski10.017741210
#88 ChevyBowman10.21691826
#19 ToyotaTruex11.63021718
#10 FordAlmirola12.053251413
#48 ChevyJohnson12.03151257
#21 FordDiBenedetto13.6158141912
#3 ChevyA. Dillon13.61914111014
#20 ToyotaJones14.2121713623
#18 ToyotaKyle Busch14.881923816
#17 FordBuescher14.8215241617
#42 ChevyKenseth17.023217259
#8 ChevyReddick17.21816201319
#47 ChevyStenhouse17.232992322
#14 FordBowyer17.4611213118
#41 FordCuster18.4412262228
#11 ToyotaHamlin19.61320103520
#6 FordNewman20.22125221815
#37 ChevyPreece22.01027282421
#95 ToyotaBell22.62222191733
#38 FordNemechek22.82626152126
#34 FordMcDowell26.22524292627
#43 ChevyWallace26.42428272924
#32 FordLaJoie26.42731162830
#13 ChevyT. Dillon27.02923312725
#96 ToyotaSuarez29.42830303029
#77 ChevySorenson31.63334352036
#15 ChevyPoole33.23232383232
#00 ChevyHouff35.03537333634
#53 FordSmithley36.839353835
#51 FordGase37.83836393937
#66 ToyotaHill38.04038344038

Jordan McAbee
As someone who has always been obsessed with numbers, Fantasy NASCAR has been the perfect fit with me. I pride myself on the quality of my analysis for each race, and am glad that I have been able to help others along the way. I've been a serious Fantasy NASCAR player for over 10 years now, and I'm just getting started.